Our History
Department History
- 1877 – Because of the growth of the town, and size of buildings being built and consumed by fire, the bucket brigade was no longer adequate fire protection.
- 1877 Aug. 20 – Council minutes mentioned a Hose Cart
- 1877 Dec. I9 – Sealed Bids were received for the purpose of building the Engine House.
- The Engine House is to be constructed on the west side of High Street, on the present site of the north section of Lot #63 (formerly the Carley Property and later the Sager Implement Store and then the Greenwood property) (Pg. 105).
- 1878 Jan. – is’ mention of Fire Truck purchased from Rumsey & Co., at Seneca Falls, N.Y. That fire engine resembled an oversize child’s express wagon. It was propelled through the streets by manpower, and the pumps were worked by hand.
- The following appointments were made:
W. E. Parker – Foreman of Hook and Ladder Company, known as the: “Scioto Fire Company”

W.H. Hoke – Foreman of Hose Company, known as the: “Empire Hose Company”

- 1878 Jan. 07 – Fire attachments were approved to be made to the railroad Fire Tube.
- J.M. Smallwood was awarded the bid to build the Engine House at a cost of $295.00.
- George A. Fleming – Documented as the Secretary of the “Scioto Fire Company”.
- 1878 Jan. 09
- Council approved to build the Engine House
- Council minutes referred to a hose reel with or without hose (writing hard to read)
- Charles Quigley was appointed as fire engineer.
- 1878 Mar. 04 – Engine House build was
- Council minutes mentioned a Hose Carriage purchased from Young
- 1878 Feb. – Bechtold – Appointed 1st Fire Chief
- 68 Citizens were recruited to form the Fire Department
- 1878 – 1883 – E. Parker – Fire Chief