Emergency Alerts
Emergency Alerts
One of the most important responsibilities that the Marion County Central dispatch has is to communicate with the public during an emergency. As many of you know, Marion County uses outdoor warning sirens to alert to weather issues and we also have a mass notification system called Hyper-Reach.

Marion County Central Dispatch will only use Hyper-Reach during an emergency when quick public notification is critical. You may receive information about emergency road closures, emergency snow levels, critical weather events, or other emergency situations. This can be life saving when our outdoor warning systems (tornado sirens) don’t sound, you‘re outside of the area to hear them, or we need to provide specific safety instructions to evacuate or shelter in place.
Hyper-Reach is a collaboration between:
- Marion Police Department
- Marion County Sheriff’s Office
- Marion Police Department
- Marion County EMA
- Marion County Central Dispatch
- Local Fire Departments.

Sign Up Today
There are five easy ways to sign up:
- Scan this QR Code
- Go to http://hyper-reach.com/ohmarionsignup.html
- Call (419) 845-5700
- Text “alerts” to (419) 845-5700
- Tell your Alexa unit “Alexa, enable Hyper-Reach